
A package for assembling and factoring hierarchical matrices


This package provides some functionality for assembling as well as for doing linear algebra with hierarchical matrices. The main structure exported is the HMatrix type, which can be used to efficiently approximate certain linear operators containing a hierarchical low-rank structure. Once assembled, a hierarchical matrix can be used to accelerate the solution of Ax=b in a variety of ways. Below you will find a quick introduction for how to assemble and utilize an HMatrix; see the References section for more information on the available methods and structures.


Although hierarchical matrices have a broad range of application, this package focuses on their use to approximate integral operators arising in boundary integral equation (BIE) methods. As such, most of the API has been designed with BIEs in mind, and the examples that follow will focus on the compression of integral operators. Feel free to open an issue or reach out if you have an interesting application of hierarchical matrices in mind not covered by this package!

Useful references

The notation and algorithms implemented were mostly drawn from the following references:

  • Hackbusch, Wolfgang. Hierarchical matrices: algorithms and analysis. Vol. 49. Heidelberg: Springer, 2015.
  • Bebendorf, Mario. Hierarchical matrices. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

Assembling an HMatrix

In order to assemble an HMatrix, you need the following (problem-specific) ingredients:

  1. The matrix-like object K that you wish to compress
  2. A rowtree and coltree providing a hierarchical partition of the rows and columns of K
  3. An admissibility condition for determining (a priory) whether a block given by a node in the rowtree and node in the coltree is compressible
  4. A function/functor to generate a low-rank approximation of compressible blocks

To illustrate how this is done for a concrete problem, consider two set of points $X = \left\{ \boldsymbol{x}_i \right\}_{i=1}^m$ and $Y =\left\{\boldsymbol{x}_j \right\}_{j=1}^n$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$, and let K be a $m \times n$ matrix with entries given by:

\[ K_{i,j} = G(\boldsymbol{x}_i,\boldsymbol{y}_j)\]

for some kernel function $G$. To make things simple, we will take $X$ and $Y$ to be points distributed on a circle:

using HMatrices, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays
const Point2D = SVector{2,Float64}

# points on a circle
m = n = 10_000
X = Y = [Point2D(sin(i*2π/n),cos(i*2π/n)) for i in 0:n-1]

Next we will create the matrix-like structure to represent the object K. We will pick G to be the free-space Greens function for Laplace's equation in two-dimensions:

struct LaplaceMatrix <: AbstractMatrix{Float64}

Base.getindex(K::LaplaceMatrix,i::Int,j::Int) = -1/2π*log(norm(K.X[i] - K.Y[j]) + 1e-10)
Base.size(K::LaplaceMatrix) = length(K.X), length(K.Y)

# create the abstract matrix
K = LaplaceMatrix(X,Y)
10000×10000 Main.var"Main".LaplaceMatrix:
 3.66468   1.17336   1.06305   0.998514  …  0.998514  1.06305   1.17336
 1.17336   3.66468   1.17336   1.06305      0.952728  0.998514  1.06305
 1.06305   1.17336   3.66468   1.17336      0.917214  0.952728  0.998514
 0.998514  1.06305   1.17336   3.66468      0.888197  0.917214  0.952728
 0.952728  0.998514  1.06305   1.17336      0.863663  0.888197  0.917214
 0.917214  0.952728  0.998514  1.06305   …  0.842411  0.863663  0.888197
 0.888197  0.917214  0.952728  0.998514     0.823665  0.842411  0.863663
 0.863663  0.888197  0.917214  0.952728     0.806896  0.823665  0.842411
 0.842411  0.863663  0.888197  0.917214     0.791727  0.806896  0.823665
 0.823665  0.842411  0.863663  0.888197     0.777879  0.791727  0.806896
 ⋮                                       ⋱                      
 0.823665  0.806896  0.791727  0.777879     0.888197  0.863663  0.842411
 0.842411  0.823665  0.806896  0.791727     0.917214  0.888197  0.863663
 0.863663  0.842411  0.823665  0.806896     0.952728  0.917214  0.888197
 0.888197  0.863663  0.842411  0.823665     0.998514  0.952728  0.917214
 0.917214  0.888197  0.863663  0.842411  …  1.06305   0.998514  0.952728
 0.952728  0.917214  0.888197  0.863663     1.17336   1.06305   0.998514
 0.998514  0.952728  0.917214  0.888197     3.66468   1.17336   1.06305
 1.06305   0.998514  0.952728  0.917214     1.17336   3.66468   1.17336
 1.17336   1.06305   0.998514  0.952728     1.06305   1.17336   3.66468

The next step consists in partitioning the point clouds X and Y into a tree-like data structure so that blocks corresponding to well-separated points can be easily distinguished and compressed. This package provides the ClusterTree struct for this purpose (see its documentation for more details on available options):

Xclt = Yclt = ClusterTree(X)

The object Xclt represents a tree partition of the point cloud into axis-aligned bounding boxes.

The third requirement is an admissibilty condition to determine if the interaction between two clusters should be compressed. We will use the StrongAdmissibilityStd, which is appropriate for asymptotically smooth kernels such as the one considered:

adm = StrongAdmissibilityStd()

The final step is to provide a method to compress admissible blocks. Here we will use the PartialACA functor implementing an adaptive cross approximation with partial pivoting strategy:

comp = PartialACA(;atol=1e-6)

With these ingredients at hand, we can assemble an approximation for K using

H = assemble_hmatrix(K,Xclt,Yclt;adm,comp,threads=false,distributed=false)
HMatrix of Float64 with range 1:10000 × 1:10000
	 number of nodes in tree: 3353
	 number of leaves: 2515 (800 admissible + 1715 full)
	 min rank of sparse blocks : 5
	 max rank of sparse blocks : 8
	 min length of dense blocks : 625
	 max length of dense blocks : 4300
	 min number of elements per leaf: 625
	 max number of elements per leaf: 2777222
	 depth of tree: 9
	 compression ratio: 21.814323

The assemble_hmatrix function is the main constructor exported by this package, so it is worth getting familiar with it and the various keyword arguments it accepts.


Reasonable defaults exist for the admissibility condition, cluster tree, and compressor when the kernel K is an AbstractKernelMatrix, so that the construction process is somewhat simpler than just presented in those cases. Manually constructing each ingredient, however, gives a level of control not available through the default constructors. See the Kernel matrices section for more details.

You can now use H in lieu of K (as an approximation) for certain linear algebra operations, as shown next.

Matrix vector product and iterative solvers

The simplest operation you can perform with an HMatrix is to multiply it by a vector:

x = rand(n)
norm(H*x - K*x)

More advanced options (such as choosing between a threaded or serial implementation) can be accessed by calling mul! directly:

y = similar(x)
norm(y - K*x)

The example below illustrates how to use the HMatrix H constructed above with the IterativeSolvers package:

using IterativeSolvers
b = rand(m)
approx = gmres!(y,H,b;abstol=1e-6)
exact  = Matrix(K)\b

Internally, the hierarchical matrix H is stored as H = inv(Pr)*_H*Pc, where Pr and Pc are row and column permutation matrices induced by the clustering of the target and source points as ClusterTrees, respectively, and _H is the actual hierarchical matrix constructed. It is sometimes convenient to work directly with _H for performance reasons; for example, in the iterative solver above, you may want to permute rows and columns only once offline and perform the matrix multiplication with _H. The keyword argument global_index=false can be passed to perform the desired operations on _H instead, or you may overload the HMatrices.use_global_index method which will in turn change the default value of global_index throughout the package (but be careful to know what you are doing, as this may cause some unexpected results); similarly, you can overload HMatrices.use_threads to globally change whether threads are used by default. In the iterative example above, for instance, we may permute the vectors externally before and after (but not in each forward product) as follows:

cperm  = HMatrices.colperm(H) # column permutation
rperm  = HMatrices.rowperm(H) # row permutation
bp     = b[cperm]
HMatrices.use_global_index() = false # perform operations on the local indexing system
approx = gmres!(y,H,bp;abstol=1e-6)
HMatrices.use_global_index() = true # go back to default
Problem size

For "small" problem sizes, the overhead associated with the more complex structure of an HMatrix will lead to computational times that are larger than the dense representation, even when the HMatrix occupies less memory. For large problem sizes, however, the loglinear complexity will yield significant gains in terms of memory and cpu time provided the underlying operator has a hierarchical low-rank structure.

Factorization and direct solvers

Although the forward map illustrated in the example above suffices to solve the linear system Kx = b using an iterative solver, there are circumstances where a direct solver is desirable (because, e.g., the system is not well-conditioned or you wish to solve it for many right-hand-sides b). At present, the only available factorization is the hierarchical lu factorization of H, which can be accomplished as follows:

F = lu(H;atol=1e-6)
LU factorization of HMatrix of Float64 with range 1:10000 × 1:10000
	 number of nodes in tree: 3353
	 number of leaves: 2515 (800 admissible + 1715 full)
	 min rank of sparse blocks : 4
	 max rank of sparse blocks : 8
	 min length of dense blocks : 625
	 max length of dense blocks : 4300
	 min number of elements per leaf: 625
	 max number of elements per leaf: 2777222
	 depth of tree: 9
	 compression ratio: 22.218055

Note that unliked the matrix-vector product, factoring H is not exact in the sense that lu(H) ≠ lu(Matrix(H)). The accuracy of the approximation can be controlled through the keyword arguments atol,rol and rank, which are used in the various intermediate truncations performed during the factorization. See lu for more details.

Truncation error

The parameters atol and rtol are used to control the truncation of low-rank blocks adaptively using an estimate of the true error (in Frobenius norm). These local errors may accumulate after successive truncations, meaning that the global approximation error (in Frobenius norm) may be larger than the prescribed tolerance.

The returned object F is of the LU type, and efficient routines are provided to solve linear system using F:

approx = F\b

Note that the error in solving the linear system may be significantly larger than the error in computing H*x due to the condition of the underlying operator.


Because factoring an HMatrix with a small error tolerance can be quite time-consuming, a hybrid strategy commonly employed consists of using a rough factorization (with e.g. large tolerance or a fixed rank) as a preconditioner to an iterative solver.

Other kernels

So far we focused on the (manual) compression of a simple kernel matrix where the entry (i,j) depended only on a function G and on point-clouds X and Y. There are many interesting applications where computing the (i,j) entry requires more information, such as triangles, basis functions, or normal vectors. To illustrate how the methods discussed before could be adapted lets construct a double-layer matrix for Laplace equation. To keep the example simple, we will re-use the point clouds X and Y defined before, so that we do not have to reconstruct the target and source cluster trees, and we will simply append the normal vector information to a LaplaceDoubleLayer structure. The implementation could look something like this:

struct LaplaceDoubleLayer <: AbstractMatrix{Float64}
    NY::Vector{Point2D} # normals at Y coordinate

function Base.getindex(K::LaplaceDoubleLayer,i::Int,j::Int)
    r = K.X[i] - K.Y[j]
    d = norm(r) + 1e-10
    return (1 / (2π) / (d^2) * dot(r, K.NY[j]))
Base.size(K::LaplaceDoubleLayer) = length(K.X), length(K.Y)

We can now simply instantiate a double-layer kernel, and compress it as before

# create the abstract matrix
ny = Y
K = LaplaceDoubleLayer(X,Y,ny)
H = assemble_hmatrix(K,Xclt,Yclt;adm,comp,threads=false,distributed=false)
HMatrix of Float64 with range 1:10000 × 1:10000
	 number of nodes in tree: 3353
	 number of leaves: 2515 (800 admissible + 1715 full)
	 min rank of sparse blocks : 2
	 max rank of sparse blocks : 2
	 min length of dense blocks : 625
	 max length of dense blocks : 4300
	 min number of elements per leaf: 625
	 max number of elements per leaf: 2777222
	 depth of tree: 9
	 compression ratio: 31.424198

With H assembled, everything else works exactly as before!
