Kernel matrices

While in the introduction we presented a somewhat general way to assemble an HMatrix, abstract matrices associated with an underlying kernel function are common enough in boundary integral equations that a special interface exists for facilitating their use.

The AbstractKernelMatrix interface is used to represent matrices K with i,j entry given by f(X[i],Y[j]), where X=rowelements(K) and Y=colelements(K). The row and columns elements may be as simple as points in $\mathbb{R}^d$ (as is the case for Nyström methods), but they can also be more complex objects such as triangles or basis functions. In such cases, it is required that center(X[i]) and center(Y[j]) return a point as an SVector, and that f(X[i],Y[j]) make sense.

A concrete implementation of AbstractKernelMatrix is provided by the KernelMatrix type. Creating the matrix associated with the Helmholtz free-space Greens function, for example, can be accomplished through:

using HMatrices, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays
const Point3D = SVector{3,Float64}
X = rand(Point3D,10_000)
Y = rand(Point3D,10_000)
const k = 2π
function G(x,y)
    d = norm(x-y)
K = KernelMatrix(G,X,Y)
10000×10000 KernelMatrix{typeof(Main.var"Main".G), Vector{StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64}}, Vector{StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64}}, ComplexF64}:
 -0.0453107-0.106765im      -0.110609-0.0751819im   …   -0.168167+0.0662665im
  -0.111832-0.0741135im     0.0372654-0.0906286im       0.0791568-0.0289281im
  0.0676824-0.0590757im      0.078971+0.00336069im      -0.168207+0.055641im
  -0.011236-0.107909im     -0.0594146-0.103454im        0.0547437-0.0760409im
  0.0789261+0.00358147im   -0.0412307-0.10741im         0.0273735+0.0614285im
  -0.139238+0.173598im      0.0698619-0.0552364im   …   -0.104981+0.226147im
  -0.158897-0.000804682im   -0.107067-0.0781464im       -0.139529-0.0418062im
  -0.139419-0.0419757im     0.0782592+0.00655391im     -0.0306436-0.108443im
  -0.163266+0.106986im      -0.168243+0.0622898im       -0.069906-0.0998659im
  0.0462629-0.0839558im     -0.148078-0.0269882im       0.0568523-0.0737583im
           ⋮                                        ⋱  
  0.0261996-0.0970027im     -0.114263-0.0719186im      -0.0604536-0.103142im
  0.0594282-0.0707599im     -0.118276-0.068076im       -0.0978604-0.0850243im
  -0.154278-0.0134622im      -0.16809+0.068532im        0.0220981-0.0989382im
  0.0592928-0.0709237im    -0.0840872-0.0933689im       0.0461978-0.0840098im
   0.026941-0.0966298im      0.330132+0.432549im    …   0.0568319-0.0737811im
 -0.0972792-0.0854213im    -0.0558381+0.276954im        -0.102151-0.0819603im
  0.0748691-0.0442438im     0.0163102-0.101323im        0.0688802-0.0570179im
 -0.0795635-0.095658im      -0.107801-0.0775474im       0.0530888-0.0777354im
  -0.166649+0.0865839im     -0.107644-0.0776759im       0.0119131-0.102882im

Compressing K is now as simple as:

H = assemble_hmatrix(K;rtol=1e-6)
HMatrix of ComplexF64 with range 1:10000 × 1:10000
	 number of nodes in tree: 14681
	 number of leaves: 11011 (2776 admissible + 8235 full)
	 min rank of sparse blocks : 20
	 max rank of sparse blocks : 86
	 min length of dense blocks : 450
	 max length of dense blocks : 2850
	 min number of elements per leaf: 450
	 max number of elements per leaf: 445550
	 depth of tree: 0
	 compression ratio: 2.465329

It is worth noting that several default choices are made during the compression above. See the Assembling an HMatrix section or the documentation of assemble_hmatrix for information on how to obtain a more granular control of the assembling stage.

As before, you can multiply H by a vector, or do an lu factorization of it.

Finally, here is a somewhat contrived example of how to use a KernelMatrix when the rowelements and colelements are not simply points (as required e.g. in a Galerkin discretization of boundary integral equations):

using HMatrices, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays
# create a simple structure to represent a segment
struct Segment
# extend the function center to work with segments = 0.5*(s.start + s.stop)
# P1 mesh of a circle
npts = 10_000
nodes = [SVector(cos(s), sin(s)) for s in range(0,stop=2π,length=npts+1)]
segments = [Segment(nodes[i],nodes[i+1]) for i in 1:npts]
# Now define a kernel function that takes two segments (instead of two points) and returns a scalar
function G(target::Segment,source::Segment)
    x, y =,
    d = norm(x-y)
    return -log(d + 1e-10)
K = KernelMatrix(G,segments,segments)
# compress the kernel matrix
H = assemble_hmatrix(K;rtol=1e-6)
HMatrix of Float64 with range 1:10000 × 1:10000
	 number of nodes in tree: 3341
	 number of leaves: 2506 (798 admissible + 1708 full)
	 min rank of sparse blocks : 4
	 max rank of sparse blocks : 7
	 min length of dense blocks : 625
	 max length of dense blocks : 4300
	 min number of elements per leaf: 625
	 max number of elements per leaf: 2775556
	 depth of tree: 0
	 compression ratio: 23.064502

Support for tensor kernels


Support for tensor-valued kernels should be considered experimental at this stage.

For vector-valued partial differential equations such as Stokes or time-harmonic Maxwell's equation, the underlying integral operator has a kernel function which is a tensor. This package currently provides some limited support for these types of operators. The example below illustrates how to build an HMatrix representing a KernelMatrix corresponding to Stokes Greens function for points on a sphere:

using HMatrices, LinearAlgebra, StaticArrays
const Point3D = SVector{3,Float64}
m = 5_000
X = Y = [Point3D(sin(θ)cos(ϕ),sin(θ)*sin(ϕ),cos(θ)) for (θ,ϕ) in zip(π*rand(m),2π*rand(m))]
const μ = 5
function G(x,y)
    r = x-y
    d = norm(r) + 1e-10
    1/(8π*μ) * (1/d*I + r*transpose(r)/d^3)
K = KernelMatrix(G,X,Y)
H = assemble_hmatrix(K;atol=1e-4)
HMatrix of StaticArraysCore.SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with range 1:5000 × 1:5000
	 number of nodes in tree: 4005
	 number of leaves: 3004 (812 admissible + 2192 full)
	 min rank of sparse blocks : 7
	 max rank of sparse blocks : 28
	 min length of dense blocks : 144
	 max length of dense blocks : 11368
	 min number of elements per leaf: 144
	 max number of elements per leaf: 103632
	 depth of tree: 0
	 compression ratio: 3.307479

You can now multiply H by a density σ, where σ is a Vector of SVector{3,Float64}

σ = rand(SVector{3,Float64},m)
y = H*σ
# test the output agains the exact value for a given `i`
i = 42
exact = sum(K[i,j]*σ[j] for j in 1:m)
@show y[i] - exact
3-element StaticArraysCore.SVector{3, Float64} with indices SOneTo(3):

The naive idea of reinterpreting these matrices of tensors as a (larger) matrix of scalars does not always work because care to be taken when choosing the pivot in the compression stage of the PartialACA in order to exploit some analytic properties of the underlying kernel. See e.g. section 2.3 of this paper for a brief discussion.